Review of “Inhuman Acts” Anthology (Edited by Ocean Tigrox)


I’m still not exactly used to purchasing and reading anthologies, and therefore not that adept at figuring out the best way to review them – as they are books filled with so many fantastic stories by many authors and it’s just hard figuring out where to begin and what to cover. So please bear with me.

Okay, so the subject of this review is a Noir-themed Furry anthology titled “Inhuman Acts” edited by Ocean Tigrox – an excellent Writer/Editor! I have to personally extend a high-five and fist bump towards the editor for the theme behind this anthology and the works of the writers within it! There have been a handful of instances of placing anthropomorphic animals in Noir settings, but I don’t believe that it’s ever been done quite like this nor with so much variety!

So…diving right into it…

The Foreword written by Ocean Tigrox is a ‘in-universe’ perspective of traditional hard-boiled PI Stanley Rivets informing readers what they’re in for. As everybody knows, the Noir genre is not exactly renowned for happiness and romantic smooching. It’s dirty, gritty, foreboding and filled with misery of people just trying to make it through another day of crappy existence on a rock called Earth. There will be no hand-holding to make you feel better when all is said and done.

And you’ll have to suffer along with every unfortunate main character and expendable schmuck in all 13 tales of this amazing anthology.

SO. Since I can’t exactly give an in-depth review of every single story in Inhuman Acts, allow me to point out some stories that stood out to me – which is going to be difficult in itself. >v<;

1. A Blacker Dog by Huskyteer:

Okay, not going to lie, the mythology of the Black Dogs is one of my favorite mythologies. So, the fact that Huskyteer built up an entire world with a story featuring every human being having a Black Dog as an invisible companion pleases me so much. It’s very relevant to my interests.

Keep in mind that this particular story is still a Noir story. And while this story features an adorable thinks-he-is-people-in-a-trench-coat Black Dog, the main character is still a PI that gets in way over his head.

It gets worse as, after all, every person has a Black Dog. Every Person.

This one, as much I adored it, doesn’t end well. It doesn’t help that Huskyteer definitely knew how to punch me, as a reader, in a heart with her prose by the time the ending rolled around.

9/10. I’m still having trouble feeling happy after reading this.

2. Brooklyn Blackie and The Unappetizing Menu by Bill Kieff

I don’t care how much of a handsome Grey Wolf/German Shepherd hybrid and Badass Noir Guy Brooklyn Blackie is .

This story started out “simple enough” but quickly became one of the MOST EFFED up things I have ever read – Noir or No Noir. Going into details without spoiling way too much would be impossible , but…


10/10/. VERY distressing. Much trauma. Cannot Unsee or Unread. Mission accomplished. This story will forever scar Cecil D. Fritz. Superbly written though.

GOOD JOB, BILL. GOOD. JOB.  i’ll never forgive you.

3. Danger in the Lumo-Bay by Mary Lowd

Pretty DANG good pastiche of a Star Trek-style adventure wrapped up in a thick coating of Anthropomorphic Animals – thus a superior product in my opinion, if I must be frank. I’m only partially familiar with the inspirational source material on the barest bones level, but this story stands out to me more than the usual homages.

I love the framing device of this Noir story being a “Holo-Deck” session, or  a“Lumo-Bay” as this particular case may be.

Alas, it doesn’t lessen the dark and heartbreaking blow of the Noir Genre. I’d say that it actually makes it feel worse since there’s the “none of this is real” scenario, but it’s definitely the “lightest” story in the entirety of Inhuman Acts.

Points beyond measure. Cecil D. Fritz didn’t curl up in a corner feeling dead inside nor endlessly cry upon reading this one.


That covers the highlights that I could really put my opinion into words for.

Other notable mentions that were most definitely relevant to my Reader Interests are (in order): Crimson on Copper by Tony Greyfox, Ghosts by Solus Lupus, Guardian Angels by Nicholas Hardin, Scorned by K.C. Alpinus.

This isn’t to say that any of the others I haven’t mentioned are worse or bad. Just…I don’t know. Some things in Inhuman Acts resonated with me more than others, I guess?

To be fair, writers like Ianus Wolf or Watts Martin are brilliant either way even if their particular additions to this anthology weren’t…’for me’. And heck, the works of Tana Simensis or Slip Wolf or T.S. McNally or Marshall L. Moseley just might be THE favorites of other readers

Who can say? And it’s, without a doubt, tough to pick.

And of course, this entire book ends in the Afterword with the same person it began with in the Foreword. Although, you may have overstayed your welcome to say the least. Which was a perfect note to conclude on. So, I have to give Ocean Tigrox infinite points and mad props for that final touch.


“INHUMAN ACTS”. One of the best damn furry anthologies I’ve read to date and it is clear that this project meant A LOT to the Editor and the writers involved in it.

Give it a buy and give it a read. HELL, buy it for you friends! Buy it for your family! BUY IT FOR EVERYBODY IN YOUR SCHOOL. O_O

You. Will. Not. Regret It.

A Review of “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” by Tempe O’Kun

I picked up “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” due to both the curiosity of wanting to read a Western Novel for the first time and the fact that my interest was piqued after reading some short fiction written by Mr. Tempe O’Kun. I had quickly developed a fondness for Mr. O’Kun’s prose after reading his short stories, and I knew that I HAD to pick up “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” to see if he was just as skilled at novel-length stories as he is at short ones!


I’ll admit that Tempe O’Kun has certainly proved that he has some serious Writer Skills with “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny”. However, there is something of a balancing act between the pros and cons with this novel. Very mixed feelings overall.

“Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” has its fair share of things going for it. There’s romance, mystery, conspiracy, and quite a few spoonfuls of action! And with the story shifting between the perspectives of the two protagonists and antagonist and revealing so many intricate details, this novel certainly has a lot to offer.

The true main character of this novel is a gun-slinging anthropomorphic bunny known as ‘Six’, and she’s a woman driven by the memory of her father and a dedication to the nomadic lifestyle of the classic western outlaw! She is not a rabbit that should be trifled with for numerous reasons.

However, her own machinations soon put her at odds with the law and a crime lord.

Only falling in love with the local bat sheriff named Blake wasn’t part of Six’s initial plans.

Furthermore, Six has no idea how utterly insane lion crime lord Hayes is and it is inevitable that their conflict won’t be pretty considering their traditional roles as ‘prey and predator’.

Allow me to get down to brass tacks by discussing a few things about the characters.

All that can be said Six is that is she is one flawless western hero bunny. A shining specimen of the traditional gunslinger vagabond hero ingrained in the genre and history itself! Of course, Six stands out from the rest in the genre due to the fact that she is an unstoppable rabbit with a (mostly) untamable heart! She’s definitely a character that will be stuck in my memory for some time!

I liked the romance between Six and Blake well enough. The scenes building their relationship hit all the right ‘oh my gosh so lovey-dovey I’m going to die’ buttons, and the scenes where the two ‘consummate’ their relationship certainly got me blushing a whole lot. The mission was accomplished: I liked the romance and I felt that the gunslinger bunny and law bat worked.

Alas, a minor thing that bothered me that it seemed Sheriff Blake simultaneously played his role well and yet he felt like a terrible sheriff. It felt like that the majority of his involvement in the conflict between Six and Hayes is largely influenced by Six dragging him a long for the ride. And when it wasn’t Six pulling him from plot development to plot development, he was receiving cryptic and partially unhelpful (from my perspective at least) information from his Deputy that clearly knew more about everything than he was letting on.

I felt that Blake was a wonderful character, but I wished that there were more scenes where he shined by himself.

Yes, without a doubt, Six is the true star of the novel. Her role is fantastic and I adore the fact that much of the romance and action is instigated by her will. But personally speaking, it just felt like Blake was more of a ‘second banana’ compared to Six. Blake was basically the “Luigi” to Six’s “Mario instead of the “Raphael” to Six’s “Leonardo” (for lack of a better way of describing it).

Reiterating: I felt that the chemistry between Six and Blake was great. I just felt that they should have had “equal billing” in the arc regarding the conflict against Hayes.

And as for the monstrous lion antagonist Hayes, I felt that he was a fantastic villain and an excellent subversion of the “noble lion” stereotype. He’s vicious, he’s cruel, he’s cunning, he’s manipulative, and he’s a complete mad man with what could be described as an ‘Apex Predator Complex’. In short, he was most definitely a fine antagonist in Six’s narrative.

In a nutshell, the characters were top-notch. They really “sold” the experience to me, if you will.

However, as much as I enjoyed this book, there are two particular issues I have with the plot beyond the romance that come to mind.

To list them in numerical order:

1. There a few points in the novel where it feels like the protagonists get from ‘point A to point B’ too easily. Six and Blake faced their fair of challenges, but in some cases it felt that the “sea parted” – if you’ll pardon the phrasing – too quickly just for the sake of Six’s and Blake’s convenience. It was as if the odds in the protagonists’ conflict against the antagonist were tipped more in the favor of the protagonists rather than actually feeling like their lives were at risk.

2. Slight Spoilers: I didn’t mind the small touches of supernatural plot details involving what I believe some internet users would refer to as “The MacGuffin” sprinkled into the book, but I do have to say that a fair portion of it felt a little too run-of-the-mill. There were instances where the scenes involving the mystical subject worked well and there and there were instances where the subject didn’t work all that well. It served its purpose in the plot and I liked the sense of mystery that this small part of the plot added to the novel, but it doesn’t change the fact that my feelings on everything involved in that “arc” of the novel remain mixed.

That’s pretty much the extent of my MAIN grievances with the novel.

However, I MUST take a moment to acknowledge the fact that many of these grievances have more to do with the fact that by the end of the novel it becomes clear that “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” is intended to be just the FIRST book in a longer series.

There’s little doubt that there be resolution for many of the loose ends in potential future books, and I’ll DEFINITELY be coming back for more. I’m just hoping that unanswered questions will be…well…answered, and I’m WISHING that there will be a pinch more danger and peril in store for Six and Blake that will test their mettle a bit more.

Maybe a pinch of disaster and tragedy that will put the relationship between Six and Blake to the test as well?

Insert shrug here.

In conclusion, “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” is a solid Western novel even with its flaws considered. Not only that, I recommend that all fans of anthropomorphic characters put this book on their reading lists!

I’d say that “Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny” is worth a firm 3 out of 5 and a fistbump of great magnitude!

BUY THESE BOOKS: “Inhuman Acts” and “The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats”

So, I’d like to direct your attention to two new books due to be released by Furry Book Publisher FurPlanet! In fact, I’d love for you to consider pre-ordering these books due to the fact that two dear Writer Pals of mine worked hard on both of these books respectively. They’re both very talented and you should throw your hard-earned money at them!

The first book comes from author Mary E. Lowd and it’s a short story collection titled “The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats”:

Official Publisher Synopsis: An angry cat who discovers the techno-mystical ability to raise mice from the dead…

A starving kitten who discovers a secret hidden in the San Francisco bay…

A witch’s cat, a scientist’s cat, and a cat who recognizes no owner…

In this collection, follow the adventures of the beloved tabby cat Shreddy as he faces off with zombies, ghosts, gryphons, foolhardy dogs, and all sorts of household appliances.

Then meet a series of cats whose stories will take you from heartbreak to joy, showing the magic in our own world through the reflection of a cat’s eyes.

My Two Cents: Mary E. Lowd is an author with writing talent that I’ve grown to respect and admire. Trust me when I tell you that this Lady can write a story. Plus, trust me when I tell you that she can DEFINITELY write wonderful yarns about cats. “The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats” is sure to please avid readers and Cat Lovers!  Mary E. Lowd is a writer that HAS to be read, people.

And now, the NEXT book is a Noir-themed anthology put together and edited by a truly dear friend of mine and splendid writer known as Ocean Tigrox! It’s called: “Inhuman Acts”!

Official Publisher Synopsis: Stalking the streets after dusk is risky business, but some tales are only told in the depths of night. Crime pales against the cold, murderous motives of those behind it. Claws and fangs open doors for a twisted soul to find a means to an end. It’s a deadly road spiraling downwards when the deeds done are Inhuman Acts.

Explore thirteen anthropomorphic noir stories about betrayal, corruption and deceit from award-winning authors and up-and-coming writers. Pour your favourite whiskey and light up a cigarette as Stanley Rivets, PI shares with you his collection of case files from dim to dark to downright ugly.

My Two Cents: I’ve always been fond of old-fashioned, gritty Noir stories and I’ve been developing a growing love for anthologies. And as a furry, that the fact “Inhuman Acts” is  a combination of both of those aforementioned things WITH ANIMALS ❤ makes it very relevant to my interests. And I can tell you right now that Editor Ocean Tigrox has certainly chosen a collection of writers for this anthology that I’m confident that will deliver some memorable pieces of short fiction. I have complete faith that this anthology will be a best-seller and a fine addition to book shelves (or your E-Reader)!


Buy. These. Books. I’m pretty darn certain that you won’t be disappointed.#PutbreadonthekitchentablesofMaryELowd andOceanTigrox2015! :> ❤

Minor Thoughts on the 2015 RainFurrest Catastrophe: A Cecil Birb Rant

So, quite recently, the Washington furry convention known as RainFurrest was held from September 24th to September 27th this year and life couldn’t have sweeter. It was most certainly a time for celebration and merriment for every single member of the furry fandom involved…such is the way of the sacred furry conventions!

However, tragically, there seemed to be more malicious devilment than joyous merriment this year. You see, unpleasant circumstances arose at the Hilton Hotel that have forced the Rainfurrest staff to release a declaratory plea urging its attendees to behave properly in future lest the yearly convention come to a complete end.

The COMPLETE letter to the attendees can be read by clicking on THIS LINK HERE.

And I — Cecil D. Fritz: Writer Bird — just have to say that I’m appalled. I mean, just look at some of the highlights from the list of damages in that letter!

Flooded bathrooms…

Numerous acts of Vandalism…

MULTIPLE cases of theft…

Come on, members of the Furry fandom. Are we not, for the most part, a fandom mostly made up of fully functioning adults? I know for a fact that the number of adults in this fandom outnumber the teenagers and college students. Very few of you are high school jocks or boozed-up college fraternity morons. This behavior is inexcusable.

I know that I’m not saying anything new on this subject, but I’d like to say that the guilty parties have SOME NERVE to ruin this for everybody.  To the GUILTY parties, I must ask what on Earth would possess you to drag the rest of us through the mud and ruin the reputation of a beloved convention that truckloads of people look forward to every year? Not only that, why would you do this to a convention convention that YOU, those of the offending parties, paid good money to attend.

But you don’t care about any of that, do you?

To the guilty parties responsible that DO KNOW who they are : I have to say that the whole lot of you are selfish, self-serving, self-destructive, and utterly foolish fools that never grew up. Seek help.

It’s utterly despicable.

It’s people LIKE YOU, dear guilty parties, that drag public perception of our beloved furry fandom down and the decent folk in this fandom have to pay the price.

I’m just…I’m just fuming right now.  End of post. >_< *preens feathers, frustrated chirping*

Book Recommendations For Furries – YA Edition: “Dust City” by Robert Paul Weston


Hey there, dear teenage members of the Furry Fandom!

Do you enjoy reading the Young Adult Literature aimed towards your general demographic?!

Do you like Twisted Takes on Classic Fairy Tales?

Do you like grim and gritty worlds, but prefer them with a strong pinch of comedy?

Do you LOVE Urban Fantasy-type settings?

Does the thought of handsome anthropomorphic wolves in your age range cause your heart to skip a beat? ^_~

If you answered ‘YES YES YES’ to all those questions, “Dust City” by Robert Paul Weston is the book for you.

The protagonist is a wayward wolf boy named Henry Whelp and he just so happens to be the teenage son of THE Big Bad Wolf – who was sent to prison for the murder of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother! Due to this, he isn’t exactly seen in a positive light among his peers and authority figures. But hey, what son of a feral murderer would be?

And to keep this book recommendation spoiler-free, all I can say is that strange circumstances arise at the orphanage that Henry calls “home” and he is soon thrown into a mission to unravel a greater conspiracy taking place in Dust City. A conspiracy connected to his father’s crime. A conspiracy connected to the mob and a ring of Fairy Dust pushers. A conspiracy that leads to the truth of what happened to the fairies that went missing decades ago!

And judging by the track record of how his life had been going for years, Henry has no way of being certain if his journey will end in terrible tragedy or tremendous triumph!

I guarantee you that this novel is one wild ride that you’re sure to enjoy, Teenage Furry Fans!

…And maybe – just maybe – it’ll be relevant to the interests of some of you older furries out there too! Who knows?! ^v^;

I cannot recommend this book enough! It’s a truly unique experience!

Review of “Song of The Summer King” by Jess E. Owen

“Song of the Summer King” by Jess E. Owen, to be one-hundred percent honest, is one of the best books that I’ve read this year. In all honesty, author Jess E. Owen won my book-loving heart with this book from the moment I picked it up. Yes indeed sweet fellow book lovers, “Song of the Summer King” delivers an unforgettable experience.

In a nutshell, “Song of The Summer King” is the tale of a gryfon named Shard whose life is quickly overrun with secrets involving his past and adversaries that loathe young Shard for the blood of his TRUE people coursing through his veins. And sure enough, certain circumstances arise that force Shard to decide where and to whom his heart truly lies. The nature of the choices that poor young Shard must make are far from black and white, and a single wrong decision could cost him everything And while he doesn’t quite know it at first, the trials Shard faces in this book are only the tip of the mountain.

And without a doubt, I consider nearly every aspect of “Song of The Summer King” to be wonderfully written and tight-knit storytelling. There isn’t too much in this book to find fault with! The prose is solid, many of the characters have well-developed personalities that will make readers either want to cuddle them or bitterly repress the urge to punch them (varying case-by-case, of course), and there are quite a few surprises in this epic tale that I didn’t see coming!

There are admittedly “a handful” of moments where readers will be thinking “why would the author do that to this precious, precious, precious character”, but that’s the point and I have to love the author for clawing my heart out with her talons in such a brilliant manner! There’s heartbreaking drama, but it’s fantastically written heartbreaking drama. It’s the kind of drama that you HAVE to applaud the author for!

“Song of The Summer King” was everything I could have ever wanted from a book promising an epic story featuring gyfons (and bonus points for including wolves! Catori is the BEST wolf, BTW). And now, I am definitely working on setting money aside to purchase Books 2 & 3: “Skyfire” and “A Shard of The Sun”. Take my money, Jess E. Owen! TAKE MY MONEY. >v<


I highly recommend “The Song of The Summer King” for all lovers of fantasy literature and readers that adore gyfons. And I cannot THANK Jess E. Owen enough for providing the literary world with “The Summer King Chronicles” series.

Noteworthy New Furry Novels of July 2015

I’m the sort of Writer Bird that believes any book news is good book news, but I’d have to say that the BEST book news is whenever a publisher announces upcoming book releases in a month. It’s always nice to have something to look forward to, and it’s even sweeter when the blurbs make you salivate in anticipation of books that you just can’t wait to get your hands, paws, or tentacles on! I can tell you that there have certainly been plenty of times that I’ve gone gosh-darn crazy waiting for the release of certain books due to them seeming SO PROMISING.

This July was exceptional for building hype up for some really splendid-sounding furry-focused books that will hopefully please the denizens of the furry fandom and maybe, just maybe, catch the eye of fandom outsiders! And now, allow me to point out the new (soon-to-be released) books of the month!

 1. In A Dog’s World by Mary E. Lowd

Official Publisher Synopsis: Katasha Blake is a cat surrounded by cats. She loves her littermates, but she’s tired of having them in every part of her life. She wants to go to Isleywood College, a prestigious school where most of the students are dogs.

Then Katasha meets Howell, a handsome upperclassman and a dog. What will her family think? Is Howell even interested in a high school cat? All Katasha knows is, she can’t wait to leave for college.

My Two Cents: I cannot stress how much I’m looking forward to sinking my talons in this latest novel from Mary E. Lowd (author of the “Otters in Space” series of books). I utterly adored a fair portion of her prior work and I KNOW that “In A Dog’s World” will be another high-quality, excellently written novel on Mary E. Lowd’s Writer Belt.

I mean, I can’t imagine this book going wrong in executing its premise: romance between an anthropomorphic cat and dog! Call me biased, but I’ve always felt that one can’t go wrong with a fictional cat and fictional dog falling in love and winning against the up-tight ‘societal norms’ that say that a cat and a dog have no chance of a happy ending together.

I’m confident that Mary E. Lowd will deliver a truly heartwarming tale with “In A Dog’s World”, and I’m hoping from the bottom of my avian heart that this book will become a best-seller in the fandom! ^v^

2. ROAR: VOLUME 6 (An Anthology)

Official Publisher Synopsis: Lovable scoundrels and scoundrels we love to hate.

From rascals causing harmless mischief to dark lords with evil in their hearts, scoundrels can be found in every world, mundane to fantastical.  We fight them, laugh at them, and sometimes root for them.

The twenty-eight stories in ROAR volume 6 explore scoundrels of every stripe, in every walk of life.  Read stories from celebrated anthropomorphic authors, award-winning science-fiction and fantasy authors, and talented newcomers to the furry genre!

My Two Cents: I’ll admit that I’m still a bit of a new-comer to reading anthologies, but I’m actually looking forward to this particular volume of ROAR due to its theme focused around scoundrels. A lot of things come to mind when I hear the world ‘scoundrel(s)’ and I’m VERY eager to see how the writers in this anthology tackle the theme.

Plus, I have to state for the record that I’m DEEPLY HONORED to know some of the writers featured in ROAR: Volume 6! (NOTE: Psst. CECIL BIRD <3’s you Ocean Tigrox, Huskyteer, Munchkin, and Rechan!)

3. Windfall by Tempe O’Kun

Official Publisher Synopsis: What do you do when the world gets bigger?

Minor celebrities Max and Kylie have always fit together perfectly, both on the screen and behind the cameras. But it’s not until their show is cancelled and they go their separate ways that they begin to wonder if they might have been more than just friends.

Now, Kylie struggles to adjust to life in Windfall, the little New England town whose weird local legends inspired the show. When Max comes to visit for the summer, she strives to let him know how she feels about him—without exposing him to the chilling secrets she’s begun to uncover in her new home.

My Two Cents: Hype. Pure, unbridled hype is all that I can really say, dear ladies and gentlemen of the furry fandom. I mean, a novel that is tale of romance AND a tome of horror with sugary topping of mystery? Tempe O’Kun has my money.

Granted, reading novels with a few erotic misadventures sprinkled in (as Mr. Tempe O’Kun is very much an adult writer and this novel is indeed going to be QUITE AN ADULT adventure, VIEWER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED) is still largely uncharted territory for me. However, I’ll willing to chalk it up to a learning experience. I’m just too curious about Tempe O’Kun’s “Windfall” at this point, and I look forward to getting my hands on this novel.

Just. Too. Curious.

I can’’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait.


I have to say that this month has been a fruitful month for novels that are looking to be quite the fantastic and intriguing reads. I hope I, by bringing this books to your attention, have piqued your interests into looking into these books and possibly grabbing a copy of one of this novels when they become available.

I’ll be keeping my bird eyes wide open for further announcements of new pieces of furry literature that are set to be released in the coming months.

So, if possible, check back every month for updates! ^v^

A Review of “Otters in Space” by Mary E. Lowd

“Otters In Space: The Search For Cat Havana” by Mary E. Lowd is a delightful literary romp that is perfect for readers of any age, and it is definitely a book well-suited to easing people outside the furry fandom into furry literature.

I admit that I went into this novel unsure of what to expect, but I was soon enthralled by this tale of adorable political intrigue between Cats and Dogs mixed in with a mysterious conspiracy of a so-called Cat Havana in SPACE seemingly connected the disappearance of the feline protagonist’s sister.

The main tabby-cat protagonist Kipper is an excellent character in her own right in terms of her personality and her admirable level of determination to get to the bottom of the mystery at the core of the story and finally be free from the oppression of Cat Kind on Earth.

I was certainly rooting for Kipper every step of the way as her quest took her to all sorts of interesting locales and as she gradually uncovered secret after secret.

The truth behind everything in this book goes, as they say, “deep” and the nature of exactly what forces are at work is certainly surprisingly, dear readers. …At least it was to me.

Overall, I’d have to say that you can’t go wrong “Otters in Space: The Search For Cat Havana”. I’d say that this novel is a MUST-READ for members of the furry fandom AND fandom outsiders.

I cannot recommend this book enough!

Overall Rating: Four out of Five