BUY THESE BOOKS: “Inhuman Acts” and “The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats”

So, I’d like to direct your attention to two new books due to be released by Furry Book Publisher FurPlanet! In fact, I’d love for you to consider pre-ordering these books due to the fact that two dear Writer Pals of mine worked hard on both of these books respectively. They’re both very talented and you should throw your hard-earned money at them!

The first book comes from author Mary E. Lowd and it’s a short story collection titled “The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats”:

Official Publisher Synopsis: An angry cat who discovers the techno-mystical ability to raise mice from the dead…

A starving kitten who discovers a secret hidden in the San Francisco bay…

A witch’s cat, a scientist’s cat, and a cat who recognizes no owner…

In this collection, follow the adventures of the beloved tabby cat Shreddy as he faces off with zombies, ghosts, gryphons, foolhardy dogs, and all sorts of household appliances.

Then meet a series of cats whose stories will take you from heartbreak to joy, showing the magic in our own world through the reflection of a cat’s eyes.

My Two Cents: Mary E. Lowd is an author with writing talent that I’ve grown to respect and admire. Trust me when I tell you that this Lady can write a story. Plus, trust me when I tell you that she can DEFINITELY write wonderful yarns about cats. “The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats” is sure to please avid readers and Cat Lovers!  Mary E. Lowd is a writer that HAS to be read, people.

And now, the NEXT book is a Noir-themed anthology put together and edited by a truly dear friend of mine and splendid writer known as Ocean Tigrox! It’s called: “Inhuman Acts”!

Official Publisher Synopsis: Stalking the streets after dusk is risky business, but some tales are only told in the depths of night. Crime pales against the cold, murderous motives of those behind it. Claws and fangs open doors for a twisted soul to find a means to an end. It’s a deadly road spiraling downwards when the deeds done are Inhuman Acts.

Explore thirteen anthropomorphic noir stories about betrayal, corruption and deceit from award-winning authors and up-and-coming writers. Pour your favourite whiskey and light up a cigarette as Stanley Rivets, PI shares with you his collection of case files from dim to dark to downright ugly.

My Two Cents: I’ve always been fond of old-fashioned, gritty Noir stories and I’ve been developing a growing love for anthologies. And as a furry, that the fact “Inhuman Acts” is  a combination of both of those aforementioned things WITH ANIMALS ❤ makes it very relevant to my interests. And I can tell you right now that Editor Ocean Tigrox has certainly chosen a collection of writers for this anthology that I’m confident that will deliver some memorable pieces of short fiction. I have complete faith that this anthology will be a best-seller and a fine addition to book shelves (or your E-Reader)!


Buy. These. Books. I’m pretty darn certain that you won’t be disappointed.#PutbreadonthekitchentablesofMaryELowd andOceanTigrox2015! :> ❤

Minor Thoughts on the 2015 RainFurrest Catastrophe: A Cecil Birb Rant

So, quite recently, the Washington furry convention known as RainFurrest was held from September 24th to September 27th this year and life couldn’t have sweeter. It was most certainly a time for celebration and merriment for every single member of the furry fandom involved…such is the way of the sacred furry conventions!

However, tragically, there seemed to be more malicious devilment than joyous merriment this year. You see, unpleasant circumstances arose at the Hilton Hotel that have forced the Rainfurrest staff to release a declaratory plea urging its attendees to behave properly in future lest the yearly convention come to a complete end.

The COMPLETE letter to the attendees can be read by clicking on THIS LINK HERE.

And I — Cecil D. Fritz: Writer Bird — just have to say that I’m appalled. I mean, just look at some of the highlights from the list of damages in that letter!

Flooded bathrooms…

Numerous acts of Vandalism…

MULTIPLE cases of theft…

Come on, members of the Furry fandom. Are we not, for the most part, a fandom mostly made up of fully functioning adults? I know for a fact that the number of adults in this fandom outnumber the teenagers and college students. Very few of you are high school jocks or boozed-up college fraternity morons. This behavior is inexcusable.

I know that I’m not saying anything new on this subject, but I’d like to say that the guilty parties have SOME NERVE to ruin this for everybody.  To the GUILTY parties, I must ask what on Earth would possess you to drag the rest of us through the mud and ruin the reputation of a beloved convention that truckloads of people look forward to every year? Not only that, why would you do this to a convention convention that YOU, those of the offending parties, paid good money to attend.

But you don’t care about any of that, do you?

To the guilty parties responsible that DO KNOW who they are : I have to say that the whole lot of you are selfish, self-serving, self-destructive, and utterly foolish fools that never grew up. Seek help.

It’s utterly despicable.

It’s people LIKE YOU, dear guilty parties, that drag public perception of our beloved furry fandom down and the decent folk in this fandom have to pay the price.

I’m just…I’m just fuming right now.  End of post. >_< *preens feathers, frustrated chirping*